Initiatives That Change Lives

The programs built by you create real change in communities, just ask those who are impacted! Aida Niang has been working in the Sama Toucouleur Garden for the past couple years. She has benefitted from a boost in income, and her family has received a huge rise in their nutritional options at home.

Aida Niang watering her eggplants

Aida Niang watering her eggplants

“Andando has changed my life, my status, and my profession. With Andando, I became an entrepreneurial woman. I had previously had no economic occupation, I always stayed at home without doing anything and I had much difficulty supporting my family, my husband and my children.

“Now, all the women of Sama Toucouleur feel the happiness in their faces, because Andando has brought change on the social, health, educational and agricultural level.

“In terms of health, Andando has made a health post at Sama Toucouleur allowing women to receive medical services before and during pregnancy, in delivery, and even after. Then, we bring our children when they are suffering from any disease, because treatment and medical visits are done without difficulty.

“They also work for the education of our kids, and Andando supports our schools by building classes. Further, with the children getting breakfast every day at school, this helps parents save and their children to thrive.

Protecting seedlings under netting.

Protecting seedlings under netting.

“It can be said that Andando participates in changing the quality of life of the population of all of Keur Soce. When I started working in the garden, I became more worthy as I work there and earn my living. Before this, I solicited help everywhere to try to solve some of my needs, but with Andando, I regained my dignity. Everything depends on a good plan and the will to do it. Regarding the future of the project, we must keep working to perpetuate the activities of the garden. We will also train our children on the different techniques of the market garden. This will ensure the long-term sustainability of activities and the project.”

We have made some incredible impacts this year, and yet the needs are vast. People like Aida Niang are ready to take them head-on, they just need a little investment and encouragement on our part.