Meet Yaya, Garden Technician & Fish Program Manager

Continuing in our series, we would like to introduce you to another member of our team who works on the ground in Senegal every day to build resilient, thriving communities. We think they are pretty amazing and are sure you will agree. This is the 13th in a series introducing the people that make it all possible. (Click here to see others in this series.) Meet Yaya, Garden Technician & Fish Program Manager

Yaya joined the Andando team in 2019.

Yaya Sow joined our team in 2019. He is the youngest in his family with seven older brothers and sisters.  He grew up in Tiguere Cire in the norther region of Senegal (about four hours southeast of Andando’s Podor headquarters).

Yaya attended elementary and middle school in his home town.  To attend high school he moved in with his uncle’s family in Matam, a larger nearby town. A good student, he went on to University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Geography.  He went on to attend ISAE (Institute of Agriculture, Biology, and Ecology), an exclusive school that only accepts 29 students each year.

Yaya studying at University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Geography.

With a vast field of opportunities before him, Yaya chose to participate in a 3-month training with Andando.  At the completion of this training he stayed on as a Garden Technician.

I’m not somebody who is changing a lot, when I find something I like to stay there. I am determined. If I work on something, I work on it until it’s finished.
— Yaya

After graduating from university Yaya joined Andando as an intern and completed a 3-month training in Keur Soce.

Currently Yaya manages two gardens and recently took on the additional responsibility of overseeing our Aquaponics Program, which has produced over 500 pounds of fish so far.

A successful fish harvest at the Lamarame Garden. Yaya has helped the four pilot program gardens raise and harvest over 500 pounds of fish so far!

Managing the fish in the four (soon to be five) gardens takes a different set of skills and is a  unique challenge.  “Sometimes it’s nice, sometimes it’s difficult. For the fish, sometimes it gives you stress because it’s something alive that you have to observe.  It was not a part of my training so it’s a plus,” says Yaya. 

Yaya works closely with garden participants to ensure the fish get the appropriate food to maximize their growth while also keeping costs low.

When he is not working Yaya enjoys playing futbol (soccer).  He also enjoys hanging out with this friends and visiting villages where he previously worked.  Because our technicians live in the villages where they work, they build lasting relationships that not only benefit them socially, but also keeps Andando connected to these communities helping ensure their long-term success.

Your support enables Yaya to help his fellow citizens. Thank you for investing in their future!

Click here to meet other staff.